Neck and shoulder pain occurs when you have stress. They will go away if you leave them alone but they keep worrying you. To remove this bother, you can use the following Yoga poses for shoulder pain.
Ear to neck rolls
Sit down on the floor or chair. Keep your spine straight and loose, shoulder relaxed. Drop your chin on your chest and roll your right rear to the right shoulder. Keep the left fingertips on your left shoulder. Put your right fingertips above the left ear. Slowly increase the pressure on your fingertips. The more pressure you put, the better it is for you. The neck and shoulder muscles get stretched. Do this for ten counts. Then, repeat for the other hand on the other side. Roll your head from side to side after each cycle.
Thread the needle pose
Begin from the tabletop position on all fours on the ground. Align the knees with the hip. Walk the left hand to the front of the body and thread the right hand under it. Put your right cheek and right shoulder on the mat. Close your eyes and relax in the pose. This provides the stretching for the shoulders, upper back, and neck. Hold this breath for ten counts. Repeat for the other side. Rest for ten counts after each cycle!
Shoulder rolls
Sit or stand in a comfortable way and place your fingertips on your shoulders. Put the elbows in front of the body, so your shoulder blades remain stretched. Pull the shoulder blades up to stretch the triceps. Keep your elbows to the sides to open out the chest. Pull them to each other at the back of the body. Now make round movement with the elbows, first to the front, and then to the back. Drop your hands and relax for several counts. Repeat the cycle for 5-6 times or until you get tired.
Always do the yoga asanas under the guidance of an authorized yoga teacher. If you experience any pain or worsening of symptoms, stop doing the exercise and get advice from your yoga guru. Do the preparatory poses first, so you prevent muscle cramp and injury.