Ayurveda Curriculum
History of Ayurveda
Ashtang Ayurveda
Indina Philosophy
Anatomy in Ayurveda
( Sharir Rachna) -
Basic Principle of Ayurveda
Concept of Tridosha
Concept of Prakruti
and Constitution & -
Concept of Tissues
Concept of Mala
and Waste Products -
3 Gunas
Ayurvedic Spices
Medicated oils
Concept of Ojas
Concept of Digestion and metabolism
Concept of Srotas
Concept of Ayurvedic
Herbology- Dravya Guna Shastra -
Concept of Ayurvedic Pharmacy [Pancha Kashya
Concept of Nidan - Diagnosis of disease
20 Ayurvedic Herbs
Ayurvedic Formulations
Self Detoxification - The 5 Karmas
Biological Clock
Rasanayam Herbs ( Rejuvenation )
Mantra & Mantra Chanting
Mantras are a word or phrases repeatedly chanted to call on spiritual awareness for mental peace and contentment. When chanted under the guidance of experts, you can easily relieve stress, eliminate negative thoughts and experience joyous feelings. At our 200 Hour Yoga Training in Rishikesh, we train you in the following mantra chanting with frequent practices:
Ganesh Mantra
Ashtnga Mantra Prayer
Patanjali Mantra
Shanti Mantra
Gaytri Mantra
Bojhan Mantra
Hatha Yoga
Hatha Yoga refers to stressing your body under a specific set of physical techniques to attain a state of spiritual perfection. Though it has numerous benefits, the key offering is to withdraw your mind from external desires and affections. We at Ekam Yogashala- a Yoga school for trainers, curate customized Hatha Yoga plans that your body can be easily accustomed to. Our practices are inspired by ancient practices carried out by Himalayan Masters. Key asanas we focus upon include:-
Pavan Muktasana series 1 (15 practices)
Pavan Muktasana series – 2 (10 practices)
Centering postures series(5 practices)
Surya Namaskar (12 asana series)
Chandra Namaskar (12 Asana Series)
Standing postures series(10 practices)
Kneeling postures series(5 practices)
Sitting Postures series(10 practices)
Forward bending postures
series(5 practices)
Backward bending postures series(5 practices)
Supine postures series(6 practices)
Prone Postures series (5 practices)
Fire Series series(5 practices)
Inversions series(5 practices)
Twisting postures series(5 practices)
Balancing Postures series(5 practices)
Relaxing Posture series(5 practices)
Meditative Asana Series(5 practices)
Hatha Yoga Theory
Hatha Yoga aims to create a balance between mind, body, and spirit. The process to perform all postures combined with chants can get complex for Novices. To ensure that you get the most out of this valuable course, we have included theoretical sessions that explain you science behind the asanas to build a knowledge base in you. This comes in handy when you hit practice sessions. Here’s a brief overview of our Hatha theory curriculum:
Philosophy of Hatha Yoga
Ancient Scriptures of Hatha Yoga
Aim and Objectives of Hatha Yoga
Yoga as a Therapy
Yoga as Balancing
Ashtanga Vinyasa
Ashtanga Vinyasa is a subgroup of Hatha Yoga. It was developed in the 20th century as a convenient and classical modern-day form of Indian yoga. Ashtanga vinyasa involves sequences of sitting and standing postures with synchronization of breath to attain mental and physical stability. Here’s what we cover under Ashtanga Vinyasa in 200 Hour Hour Yoga Training in Rishikesh:
Samasthiti - Standing still
Surya Namaskara (A & B) - Sun salutation
Padangushtasana - Thumb to foot pose
Pada hastasana - Hand to foot pose
Utthita Trikonasana-Extended triangle pose
ParivrittaTrikonasana - Revolved
extended triangle pose -
Utthita Parshvakonasana -
Extended sideway angle pose -
Parivritta Parshvakonasana -Revolved
extended sideway angle pose -
Prasarita Padottanasana (A, B, C & D)
- Spread feet stretching pose -
Parshvottanasana-Sideways stretching pose
Utthita Hasta Padangushtasana- Extended
triangle pose -
ArdhaBaddhaPadmottanasana -
Half bound lotus stretching pose -
Utkatanasana - Uneven pose
Virabhadrasana (A & B) - Warrior pose
Dandasana (Chaturanga Dandasana)
-Four-Limbed Staff Pose(staff means
spine, body support) -
Paschimattanasana (3 types) - West-Back (extended-intense) stretching pose
Purvatanasana - Est-Front (extended-intense)stretching pose
ArdhaBaddha Padma Paschimattanasana
- Half bound lotus forward pose -
TriangaMukhaekapadaPaschima-One foot
transversely facing back forward stretch -
Janu Shirshasana (A, B & C)- Head to knee pose
Marichyasana (A, B, C & D)- Marichya
(Ray of light (of sun or moon)) pose -
Navasana - Boat pose
Bhujapidasana -Arm pressure pose
Kurmasana - Tortoise pose
SuptaKurmasana-Sleeping tortoise pose
GarbhaPindasana-Embryo in the womb pose
Kukkutasana-Roster pose
BaddhaKonasana-Bound angle pose
UpavishtaKonasana -Seated angle pose
SuptaKonasana - Sleeping angle pose
sleeping thumb to foot pose -
Both thumbs to feet pose -
- Upward facing forward stretch pose
Pranayam Theory
Practicing pranayama helps in strengthening the connection between mind and body. By practicing daily you can bypass multiple respiratory problems as well. But those simple-looking breathing exercises are actually followed by a set of rules including a pattern to inhale and exhale. That is why, before we put you in practical classrooms, we have included a theory curriculum where you learn the correct postures and patterns to get the most out of your time spent.
What is Prana
What is Pranayama
What is breath and connection with the Prana
Importance and benefits of Pranayama
How to prepare ourselves to practice them
Aspects of Breathing
Ancients Texts of Breathing
General understanding
Understand all about nostrils & how to activate them
Secrets of Pranayama
Function of Prana
How does prana flow
Quality of breath
Imbalance of Prana,
Retention of breath
6 Sitting positions for Pranayama practices
Breathing pattern
Pranayama practices
Clavicular Pranayama
Thoracic Pranayama
Diaphragmatic Pranayama
Yogic Pranayama
Pranava Pranayama
Nadisodhanam Pranayama
Bhastrika Pranayama
Kapalbhati Pranayama
Bhramari Pranayama
Ujjayi Pranayama
Sheetali Pranayama
Sheetkari Pranayama
Surya bhedi Pranayama
Chandra bhedi Pranayama
Meditation Theory
A body with all power and no concentration futile. Meditation helps you improve focus, and concentration of your mind. Various meditation practices including tratak help you with a sharp memory and peace of mind. We have included advanced meditation practices from Himalayan hermits in your teaching curriculum so that you can impart the best of your knowledge to the pupils.
Introduction to Meditation
History of Meditation
Preparation to Meditation
What is Meditation and what it is not
Why- How- Where- When Meditation
Philosophy of Meditation
Meditation Traditions
Meditation Scriptures
Aim and Objectives of Meditation
Sitting Positions
How to Sit Correctly
Preliminary Practices Before Practicing Meditation
Role of Diaphragmatic Breathing in Meditation
Correct Breathing in Meditation
How to Relax in Meditation
Meditation Practices
Basics Foundation Meditation Practice
Breath- Mind- Mantra Awareness
Tratak Meditation
Music Meditation
How to Do Japa (recitation)
Om Meditation,
Mantra Power Meditation
Breath Awareness (Anapana)
Dynamic Moving Meditation
Buddha Walking Meditation
Yoga Nidra
Shatkarma theory
Shatkarma falls under Hatha Yoga and comprises six different techniques to purify your body. Post performing these techniques your body gets ready for advanced levels of Yoga. So, it's important to have a strong base to proceed next. Below is the hierarchical curriculum that covers everything from basic to advanced:-
Practices That You Will Learn
What is Satkarma
Benefits and Risks
Who Should and Should Not Practice It,
Preparation to Satkarma
Practices After Completing It
Nadi Cleansing
Jal neti
Vaman dhauti
Yoga Philosophy
The great Yogi Vishnu learned all rare Yoga practices from his beloved teacher after serving him as a disciple for a long time. Also, information regarding Yoga is scattered across multiple scriptures. We through our teachers and trainers have curated rare and valuable philosophical concepts of Yoga that could benefit you and your future students in a unique way. Here's what you learn in this chapter:
Introduction of Yoga – Origin & history
Definition: Raja Yoga, Hatha yoga
Indian Schools of thought
Types of Yoga traditions
History of Modern Yoga
Four foundational pillars of human life
Introduction to chakras
Introduction to panchaklesha
Tri Guna Theory
Few important Yoga Sutra
Yoga Anatomy
Yoga is an Art and you need to understand the mental and physical anatomies of the body to scale faster and effectively. We have special anatomy classes by experts who guide you through spiritual and physical majors:
Introduction to Body and Its Structure
Body Planes
Anatomical Movements
Bones of the Skull
Cervical Vertebrae
Shoulder Girdle/ Arm Bones/ Pelvic Region
Deformities of the Spine
Lower Extremity
Tendons and Ligaments
Muscular System
Nervous System
Respiratory System
Alignment & Adjustment
Dislocation of Joints and normal wear up of muscles is what learners fear the most. Since this is a normal state where your body will experience joint injuries irrespective of age and experience levels. That’s why we have scheduled a dedicated program for your correct postures and body alignments. Here’s what we do there:-
Sense of alignment
Role of alignment in daily practice
How to balance prana & chakras
How alignment works in 5 koshas
Importance of Alignment
Different aspect of Alignment
To decrease the risk of injuries
Increase the movement of joints
Alignment based on body regions
Upper Limb alignment
Lower Limb alignment
Torso – Thorax - Abdomen
– Pelvis Alignment -
Head & neck - Alignment
Spinal alignment
Basic alignment postures
How to bring the body
in comfortable
How to find balance between body and mind
What is the sense of yoga adjustment
What is the level of yoga adjustment
Why adjustment is needed in yoga asana
Role of adjustments in yoga asana class
Right technique of perfect adjustment
How to apply a bandha and when
Exploring the dynamics of each asana
How to adjust self adjust in a posture
How to adjust others during the class
Pre required methods of adjustment
Uses of different tools and props
to achieve a peak of the posture -
Body weight management during a posture
Safety rules and preparations
Teaching Methodology
Components of lesson plan
Time management
Aspects of individual lesson
Different categories of lesson plan
Lesson plan for specific needs
Characteristics of being a great teacher
What you will discover
Mantra & Mantra Chanting
Mantras are a word or phrases repeatedly chanted to call on spiritual awareness for mental peace and contentment. When chanted under the guidance of experts, you can easily relieve stress, eliminate negative thoughts and experience joyous feelings. At our 200 Hour Yoga Training in Rishikesh, we train you in the following mantra chanting with frequent practices:
- Ganesh Mantra
- Ashtnga Mantra Prayer
- Patanjali Mantra
- Shanti Mantra
- Gaytri Mantra
- Bojhan Mantra
Hatha Yoga
Hatha Yoga refers to stressing your body under a specific set of physical techniques to attain a state of spiritual perfection. Though it has numerous benefits, the key offering is to withdraw your mind from external desires and affections. We at Ekam Yogashala- a Yoga school for trainers, curate customized Hatha Yoga plans that your body can be easily accustomed to. Our practices are inspired by ancient practices carried out by Himalayan Masters. Key asanas we focus upon include:-
- Pavan Muktasana series 1 (15 practices)
- Pavan Muktasana series – 2 (10 practices)
- Centering postures series(5 practices)
- Surya Namaskar (12 asana series)
- Chandra Namaskar (12 Asana Series)
- Standing postures series(10 practices)
- Kneeling postures series(5 practices)
- Sitting Postures series(10 practices)
- Forward bending postures series(5 practices)
- Backward bending postures series(5 practices)
- Supine postures series(6 practices)
- Prone Postures series (5 practices)
- Fire Series series(5 practices)
- Inversions series(5 practices)
- Twisting postures series(5 practices)
- Balancing Postures series(5 practices)
- Relaxing Posture series(5 practices)
- Meditative Asana Series(5 practices)
Hatha Yoga Theory
Hatha Yoga aims to create a balance between mind, body, and spirit. The process to perform all postures combined with chants can get complex for Novices. To ensure that you get the most out of this valuable course, we have included theoretical sessions that explain you science behind the asanas to build a knowledge base in you. This comes in handy when you hit practice sessions. Here’s a brief overview of our Hatha theory curriculum:
- Philosophy of Hatha Yoga
- Ancient Scriptures of Hatha Yoga
- Aim and Objectives of Hatha Yoga
- Yoga as a Therapy
- Yoga as Balancing
Ashtanga Vinyasa
- Samasthiti - Standing still
- Surya Namaskara (A & B) - Sun salutation
- Padangushtasana - Thumb to foot pose
- Pada hastasana - Hand to foot pose
- Utthita Trikonasana - Extended triangle pose
- ParivrittaTrikonasana - Revolved extended triangle pose
- Utthita Parshvakonasana - Extended sideway angle pose
- Parivritta Parshvakonasana - Revolved extended sideway angle pose
- Prasarita Padottanasana (A, B, C & D) - Spread feet stretching pose
- Parshvottanasana - Sideways stretching pose
- Utthita Hasta Padangushtasana - Extended triangle pose
- ArdhaBaddhaPadmottanasana - Half bound lotus stretching pose
- Utkatanasana - Uneven pose
- Virabhadrasana (A & B) - Warrior pose
- Dandasana (Chaturanga Dandasana) - Four-Limbed Staff Pose (staff means spine, body support)
- Paschimattanasana (3 types) - West-Back (extended-intense) stretching pose
- Purvatanasana - Est-Front (extended-intense) stretching pose
- ArdhaBaddha Padma Paschimattanasana - Half bound lotus forward pose
- TriangaMukhaekapadaPaschima - One foot transversely facing back forward stretch
- Janu Shirshasana (A, B & C) - Head to knee pose
- Marichyasana (A, B, C & D) - Marichya (Ray of light (of sun or moon)) pose
- Navasana - Boat pose
- Bhujapidasana - Arm pressure pose
- Kurmasana - Tortoise pose
- SuptaKurmasana - Sleeping tortoise pose
- GarbhaPindasana - Embryo in the womb pose
- Kukkutasana - Roster pose
- BaddhaKonasana - Bound angle pose
- UpavishtaKonasana - Seated angle pose
- SuptaKonasana - Sleeping angle pose
- SuptaPadangushtasana - Lateral sleeping thumb to foot pose
- UbhayaPadangushtasana - Both thumbs to feet pose
- UrdhvaMukhaPaschimattanasana - Upward facing forward stretch pose
Pranayam Theory
Practicing pranayama helps in strengthening the connection between mind and body. By practicing daily you can bypass multiple respiratory problems as well. But those simple-looking breathing exercises are actually followed by a set of rules including a pattern to inhale and exhale. That is why, before we put you in practical classrooms, we have included a theory curriculum where you learn the correct postures and patterns to get the most out of your time spent.
What is Prana
What is Pranayama
What is breath and connection with the Prana
Importance and benefits of Pranayama
How to prepare ourselves to practice them
Aspects of Breathing
Ancients Texts of Breathing
General understanding
Understand all about nostrils
& how to activate them
Secrets of Pranayama
Function of Prana
How does prana flow
Quality of breath
Imbalance of Prana,
Retention of breath
6 Sitting positions for Pranayama practices
Breathing pattern
Pranayama practices
Clavicular Pranayama
- Thoracic Pranayama
- Diaphragmatic Pranayama
- Yogic Pranayama
- Pranava Pranayama
- Nadisodhanam Pranayama
- Bhastrika Pranayama
- Kapalbhati Pranayama
- Bhramari Pranayama
- Ujjayi Pranayama
- Sheetali Pranayama
- Sheetkari Pranayama
- Surya bhedi Pranayama
- Chandra bhedi Pranayama
Meditation Theory
A body with all power and no concentration futile. Meditation helps you improve focus, and concentration of your mind. Various meditation practices including tratak help you with a sharp memory and peace of mind. We have included advanced meditation practices from Himalayan hermits in your teaching curriculum so that you can impart the best of your knowledge to the pupils.
- Introduction to Meditation
- History of Meditation
- Preparation to Meditation
- What is Meditation and what it is not
- Why- How- Where- When Meditation
- Philosophy of Meditation
- Meditation Traditions
- Meditation Scriptures
- Aim and Objectives of Meditation
- Sitting Positions
- How to Sit Correctly
- Preliminary Practices Before Practicing Meditation
- Role of Diaphragmatic Breathing in Meditation
- Correct Breathing in Meditation
- How to Relax in Meditation
Meditation Practices
- Basics Foundation Meditation Practice
- Breath- Mind- Mantra Awareness
- Tratak Meditation
- Music Meditation
- How to Do Japa (recitation)
- Om Meditation,
- Mantra Power Meditation
- Breath Awareness (Anapana)
- Dynamic Moving Meditation
- Buddha Walking Meditation
- Yoga Nidra
Shatkarma theory
Shatkarma falls under Hatha Yoga and comprises six different techniques to purify your body. Post performing these techniques your body gets ready for advanced levels of Yoga. So, it's important to have a strong base to proceed next. Below is the hierarchical curriculum that covers everything from basic to advanced:-
Practices That You Will Learn
- What is Satkarma
- Benefits and Risks
- Who Should and Should Not Practice It,
- Experiences
- Preparation to Satkarma
- Practices After Completing It
- Nadi Cleansing
- Jal neti
- Rubber-net.
- Kapalbhati.
- Vaman dhauti
Yoga Philosophy
The great Yogi Vishnu learned all rare Yoga practices from his beloved teacher after serving him as a disciple for a long time. Also, information regarding Yoga is scattered across multiple scriptures. We through our teachers and trainers have curated rare and valuable philosophical concepts of Yoga that could benefit you and your future students in a unique way. Here's what you learn in this chapter:
- Introduction of Yoga – Origin & history
- Definition: Raja Yoga, Hatha yoga
- Indian Schools of thought
- Types of Yoga traditions
- History of Modern Yoga
- Four foundational pillars of human life
- Introduction to chakras
- Introduction to panchaklesha
- Prakriti&purusha
- Tri Guna Theory
- Few important Yoga Sutra
Yoga Anatomy
Yoga is an Art and you need to understand the mental and physical anatomies of the body to scale faster and effectively. We have special anatomy classes by experts who guide you through spiritual and physical majors:
- Introduction to Body and Its Structure
- Body Planes
- Anatomical Movements
- Bones of the Skull
- Cervical Vertebrae
- Shoulder Girdle/ Arm Bones/ Pelvic Region
- Deformities of the Spine
- Lower Extremity
- Tendons and Ligaments
- Muscular System
- Nervous System
- Respiratory System
Alignment & Adjustment
Dislocation of Joints and normal wear up of muscles is what learners fear the most. Since this is a normal state where your body will experience joint injuries irrespective of age and experience levels. That’s why we have scheduled a dedicated program for your correct postures and body alignments. Here’s what we do there:-
- Sense of alignment
- Role of alignment in daily practice
- How to balance prana & chakras
- How alignment works in 5 koshas
- Importance of Alignment
- Different aspect of Alignment
- To decrease the risk of injuries
- Increase the movement of joints
- Alignment based on body regions
- Upper Limb alignment
- Lower Limb alignment
- Torso – Thorax - Abdomen – Pelvis Alignment
- Head & neck - Alignment
- Spinal alignment
- Basic alignment postures
- How to bring the body in comfortable
- Basic alignment postures
- How to bring the body in comfortable
- How to find balance between body and mind
- What is the sense of yoga adjustment
- What is the level of yoga adjustment
- Why adjustment is needed in yoga asana
- Role of adjustments in yoga asana class
- Right technique of perfect adjustment
- How to apply a bandha and when
- Exploring the dynamics of each asana
- How to adjust self adjust in a posture
- How to adjust others during the class
- Pre required methods of adjustment
- Uses of different tools and props to achieve a peak of the posture
- Body weight management during a posture
- Safety rules and preparations
Teaching Methodology
Components of lesson plan
Time management
Aspects of individual lesson
Different categories of lesson plan
Lesson plan for specific needs
Characteristics of being a great teacher
- History of Ayurveda
- Ashtang Ayurveda
- Indina Philosophy
- Anatomy in Ayurveda ( Sharir Rachna)
- Basic Principle of Ayurveda
- Concept of Tridosha
- Concept of Prakruti and Constitution &
- Concept of Tissues
- Concept of Mala and Waste Products
- 3 Gunas
- Ayurvedic Spices
- Medicated oils
- Concept of Ojas
- Concept of Digestion and metabolism
- Concept of Srotas
- Concept of Ayurvedic Herbology- Dravya Guna Shastra
- Concept of Ayurvedic Pharmacy [Pancha Kashya]
- Concept of Nidan - Diagnosis of disease
- 20 Ayurvedic Herbs
- Ayurvedic Formulations
- Self Detoxification - The 5 Karmas
- Biological Clock
- Rasanayam Herbs ( Rejuvenation )
Daily Itinerary for 200-Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh
The essence of a yogi's true identity is rooted in a disciplined lifestyle.
6:00am – 7:30am
The day begins with classic Hatha Yoga
7:45am – 8:45am
Pranayama, kriya and mantra chanting class
9:00am – 9:30am
It's time for breakfast to get some energy
10:30am – 11:30am
Alignment & adjustment / teaching methodology
12:00pm – 1:00pm
Study of Human body structure on yoga practice
1:15pm – 1:45pm
Lunch break and rest time
3:00pm – 4:00pm
After break, back in the shala with Yoga philosophy class
4:15pm – 5:45pm
Dynamic ashtanga vinyasa yoga class
6:00pm – 7:00pm
Meditation practice to achieve the stillness of Mind
7:15pm – 7:45pm
Dinner Together
5:00pm – 7:00pm
First sunday - World famous Ganga Aarti visit
5:00am – 9:00am
Second Sunday - Sunrise visit in the himalayas
10:00am – 1:00pm
Third Sunday - Neer water fall visit
6:00pm – 7:00pm
Fourth Sunday - Hare Rama Hare Krishna Kirtan
Additional workshops included in the 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training
Kundalini Yoga Class
Sound Bath & Healing Session
Ayurveda Classes
Yin Yoga Class
Restorative Yoga Class
Iyengar Yoga Class
Mantra Classes
Acro Yoga Class
Activities During the Course
During the 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training course, you will participate in weekend activities such as sunrise sessions, visits to waterfalls, attending Ganga Aarti, and exploring Mouni Baba Cave and Vishisth Cave. Additionally, the course includes three excursions to select destinations from the following list:
Upcoming Events
Course Date
3 Sharing Room
2 Sharing Room
Private Room
Book Now
5th To 30th Aug 2024
3 Sharing Room
INR 37,000 INR 84,000
2 Sharing Room
INR 55,000INR 100,800
Private Room
02 Seats left
1st To 24th Sept 2024
INR 30,000 INR 68,000
3 Sharing Room
INR 37,000 INR 84,000
2 Sharing Room
INR 55,000INR 100,800
Private Room
04 Seats left
1st To 24th Oct 2024
INR 30,000 INR 68,000
3 Sharing Room
INR 37,000 INR 84,000
2 Sharing Room
INR 55,000INR 100,800
Private Room
04 Seats left
5th To 30th Nov 2024
INR 30,000 INR 68,000
3 Sharing Room
INR 37,000 INR 84,000
2 Sharing Room
INR 55,000INR 100,800
Private Room
05 Seats left
1st To 24th Dec 2024
INR 30,000 INR 68,000
3 Sharing Room
INR 37,000 INR 84,000
2 Sharing Room
INR 55,000INR 100,800
Private Room
7 Seats left
1th To 24th Jan 2025
INR 30,000 INR 68,000
3 Sharing Room
INR 37,000 INR 84,000
2 Sharing Room
INR 55,000INR 100,800
Private Room
7 Seats left
5th To 30th Feb 2025
INR 30,000 INR 68,000
3 Sharing Room
INR 37,000 INR 84,000
2 Sharing Room
INR 55,000INR 100,800
Private Room
9 Seats left
5th To 30th Mar 2025
INR 30,000 INR 68,000
3 Sharing Room
INR 37,000 INR 84,000
2 Sharing Room
INR 55,000INR 100,800
Private Room
7 Seats left
5th To 30th April 2025
INR 30,000 INR 68,000
3 Sharing Room
INR 37,000 INR 84,000
2 Sharing Room
INR 55,000INR 100,800
Private Room
9 Seats left
What is Included in Course Fees
- 24 Days Accommodation
- Attached bathrooms
- 1 Pen and note book
- 1 book Asana Pranayama Mudra Bandha ("by Swami Satyananda Saraswati")
- Pure vegetarian meals
- Satkarma cleansing items
- T-Shirt
- Yoga Alliance Certification
- One bag
- Weekend excursions
- Ganga Beach Acro Yoga
What is not Included in Course Fees
- Air Conditioner (INR 10,000 extra)
- Flights
- Pickup from Delhi Airport
Our Accommodation: Cottage Stay with Open Garden Area
A Supporting Environment & Premises For Your Spiritual Growth
For our 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training, you will be staying in cozy cottages nestled in the heart of nature removed from all city hustle. Guests can choose from private or shared rooms with air-con and hot/cold showers. In addition of this, our ashrams have specific sitting areas and large open practice grounds are available with recreational chilling spaces to experience an optimum yogic atmosphere.
Healthy, Yogic Food
Yoga Teacher Training participants are served three vegetarian meals each day with options available for those who prefer gluten-free and vegan diets. Variety of food designed to suit different dietary preferences means that you can eat truly good, healthy meals based on traditional principles for yogic diet Plan. The program will also include three meals daily for students
Yoga requires full concentration and deep focus from the student. That's why we serve “sattvic” yet healthy food (breakfast, lunch, and dinner) at our ashrams. Sattvic food is vegetarian and offers peace and complete control over it. The reception of free meals ensures the purity of the soul of all our students and makes them kind and caring - making them good RYT or registered yoga teachers.
Best Yoga Teachers Rishikesh India
During our 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training Program in Rishikesh, you will receive guidance from experienced and knowledgeable instructors who are dedicated to preserving the traditional and authentic essence of yoga. Our teachers at Ekam Yogashala have honed their expertise through learning directly from revered yoga gurus in ashram environments, providing you with a rich understanding of ancient yogic teachings and practices.
Yogi Ankit Ji
Yogi Vikas Ji
Yogi Shankey Ji
What to Pack for a Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh
Yoga mat
Sweat towel
Water Bottle
Sunscreen, Sunglasses and Hat( Specially for Summers)
Mat cleaner
Yoga tops & Bottoms
Notebooks / Journals
Make up & Toiletries items
Power adapter
White CLothes( For Opening & Closing Ceremony)
Casual Wear
Insect and mosquito repellent
Medicines and Supplements
Sandals and Walking Shoes
How To Reach Us
By Airways
Rishikesh is well-connected to all the major cities. Jolly Grant Airport at Dehradun is only 15 km from Rishikesh. You can reach directly from your place of Departure to Jolly Grant Airport, or you can come via Delhi International Airport. We can send a taxi to the Jolly International Airport on request for you.
By Roadways
You can hire a taxi from the International Airport in Delhi, or you can also book a taxi through us. We can send you across a taxi to receive you from Delhi Airport.
By Railways
You can also have a fun-filled ride on the train from Delhi to Haridwar. Get off at Haridwar station as it is just about 25 kilometers from Rishikesh. It is linked and quite connected to all the cities of India. From Haridwar, you can hire a taxi, and if you want, we can send a taxi to pick you up.
Students Reviews
Over 3500 Students Passed Out
99% of our Students recommend us
5,00+ verified reviews
Rules And Refund Policy of Ekam Yogashala
Advance payment is non-refundable but remains valid for 1 year.
You can cancel your course at any time with no extra charge.
Deposited money can be transferred to another month upon informing the authorities.
No refund is provided; instead, the amount can be utilized for rescheduling within the validity period.
Respect for gurus is mandatory, and adherence to rules and regulations is expected.
Smoking and drinking are strictly prohibited on campus.
Full attendance is mandatory for all scheduled programs; in case of emergencies, complete information must be provided.
Inform the kitchen manager in advance of any changes or if food is not required on a specific day.
Class timings are strictly adhered to, and punctuality is required from all students.
Frequently Asked Questions
To become a certified yoga teacher, It is required to join a 200 hour yoga teacher training course accredited by Yoga Alliance . The 200 hour Yoga TTC starts from 9 th or every month at Ekam Yogashala. If you are planning in advance, you can get ask for discounts and preferred room stay (mountain view) Enroll now for life changing journey in 200 hour yoga teacher training course and become a certified yoga teacher.