Degenerative Disc Disease is the condition of the spine that is a precursor to many back pain conditions. Here you see the deterioration of the discs of the spine one by one. Yoga can help prevent the on-going deterioration and help prevent any back pain. This condition is common among adults of age more than 50 years. This condition is a type of osteoarthritis of the spine which is also responsible for invertebral discs which are located between the bones including the spine. These discs are the reason why our spine is capable of performing various motions like that of flexing, twisting, bending, etc. If the disc becomes worn out then the most common cause is pain which is sense in the neck and back.
The Causes of Degenerative Disc Disease:
The most common cause of this disease is the aging process due to the intervertebral discs containing fiber and ligament in their outer part (annulus fibrosis) and filaments and mucoprotein gel in their center. They turn out to be more slender because of maturing which in turn limits the volume of the discs while making them less adaptable and accordingly finishing off with less space left in the bones which are located in the spine. The spine winds up stiffer taking into consideration the hard segments to clean, realizing irritation and distress. Consequently, it becomes apparent that typical wearing down caused to the human body because of development is the standard purpose behind this issue; furthermore, factors that can decline the circumstance or add to its appearance are weight, smoking, physical activity and so forth.
There are some yoga poses for degenerative disc disease which can be done to reduce and get rid of this problem. They are:
Downward Facing Dog – Adho Mukha Svanasana
This pose stretches the back, thigh, and leg muscles. It strengthens the inner core. This will help arrest the decay of the spinal discs. To do this pose start from the tabletop position.
– From the hands and knees position, walk your hands forward to the front while raising your buttocks in the air. Push the legs forward.
– Keep your arms and legs straight and your head between your hands. Inhale and tighten the core. Lengthen your tailbone and open your shoulder blades. Hold the pose for a count of ten and then come to the tabletop position.
– Repeat as desired.
Child’s Pose – Balasana
This pose relaxes your back and spine. It calms the mind and loosens the muscles of the back. It loosens the spine. To do this pose start from kneeling position on the floor mat.
– Sit with the big toes touching each other. Bring your hands forward. Your knees must remain as wide as your hips.
– Exhale and push your torso down to the ground. Make your sacrum broad and lengthen your tailbone.
– Feel the pull of the shoulder blades over your back. Lay your palm down on the floor beside you, palm facing up. Feel the skull base lift away from the neck. Breathe deeply.
– Stay in the pose for five minutes.
Thread the Needle – Parsva Balasana
You get good relaxation for the back and shoulders from this pose. It will help strengthen the spine and make it supple. Start from the tabletop position.
– Bring your face down to the floor. Lay your face to one side with the right cheek touching the floor.
– Pull your right hand down and under you. Pass to the left side so that it points straight left. Now your right shoulder will touch the floor. Relax your muscles and shoulders.
– Wait in the pose for a count of ten. Then, come back to tabletop position and then repeat for the other side. Do as many repeats as desired.
Cat And Cow Stretch – Chakravakasana
One of the most simple and highly effective yoga poses to get your spine moving is that of Chakravakasana. In many yoga routines it is also considered to be a warm up pose because it helps in gently massaging the spine of a person. To do this pose:
-Start by keeping your hands shoulder distance apart on the ground and your knees should be hip distance apart on the ground.
-While inhaling slowly, arch your back in the upward direction while you look up. Now exhale deeply while drawing your back towards your spine and keep looking in the direction of your belly.
-Repeat this stretch atleast five to ten times while linking your breath to your movement.
Do not do any of the exercises if you have a recent injury or diseases of the heart. If you experience any pain while exercising, stop and consult your yoga teacher before continuing.