Health experts say that strength training should be an integral part of your health and fitness routine. Yoga has emerged as an excellent substitute to the fitness fads. It not only focuses on overall health but also offers long-term results.
Yoga is a bodyweight exercise which can actually help in building lean muscle mass, decrease body fat, and burn calories more effectively without any machines or dumbbells. All you need is a yoga mat!
Here’s a look at the simple strength building yoga sequences which target major muscle groups and generate heat in body. Hold each pose for 6 to 8 breaths and repeat the sequence.
High Lunge
It strengthens quadriceps and glutes. To begin with, stand with your feet together and hands on your hips. Take a big step back with your left leg and deeply bend the right knee. Draw your thighs parallel to the floor, then scissor hug your legs and stack your back heel over your big toe of foot at the backside. Extend your arms skyward.
Warrior 2
The pose not just strengthens the quadriceps and glutes but also stretches your inner thing. From high lunge, rotate your back 90 degrees bringing your heel to floor in a way that the outside edge of your back foot is parallel to short side of the yoga mat. Now, align the front heel with arch of the back foot.
Keep the front knee bent over the front ankle keeping your shin perpendicular to floor. Position your torso stacked over your hip. Spin your arms to horizon followed by gazing forward at your fingertips.
The pose strengthens your upper body and core muscles. You need to cartwheel your hand to the floor and frame your front foot with your hand. Now, step your front foot backward so that it meets your back foot.
The pose strengthens your shoulders along with back and core muscles by opening your shoulders and hamstrings. Release your forearm to the floor and press your palms into the ground keeping your forearm parallel. Keep your sight between your thumbs and use your core strength for walking your toes near your elbow keeping the knees slightly bent and heels lifted away from floor. Lengthen the tailbone away from pelvis and keep your spine straight without rounding the upper back.
It strengthens your calves, hamstrings, external obliques, glutes, and spinal muscles. Walk your feet back out to forearm plank slowly releasing onto your belly. Bring your back into neutral position and chin on the floor extending your arms long by your sides, palms face down. Now, lift your legs, chest, and arms off the ground.
Get your muscles stronger by following the sequence every day. In few months the results will be evident.