With demanding lifestyle and hectic work schedules, stress has become a part of our lives. Stress is something that we can’t avoid; we must learn to deal with it in a way that it doesn’t affect our physical and mental health. It is obvious to have phases of short-term stress, but stress that goes beyond a short while can affect your health adversely. Prolonged stress can affect your sleep, digestion, libido, and relationships. It can also affect your performance at work.
Though there are many temporary ways to fight stress, it is important to find a permanent and significant way that can help in fighting stress on a deeper level. Yoga is considered as an effective and long-term solution for managing stress. If you were wondering how, here’s a look:
Relax the body
Yoga, when practiced in the right way can have a soothing effect which helps in reducing tension and relaxing the physical body. Certain asanas have a deeply calming effect on your whole system, especially inversions and forward bends. Balasana is considered as an effective pose that can soothe the adrenal glands and create internal and external calm.
Relax the mind
The mind becomes busy when we are anxious or stressed out. Focusing on a particular thing at a time might seem completely impossible, but you can learn that with practice. Meditation is an amazing and powerful tool for relaxing and slowing down your mind. When you meditate, your entire focus is on breathing. Over the time you develop new habits that lead to a relaxed state of mind.
Breathe more effectively
Stress and tension can make us breathe rapidly and shallowly which creates more anxiety. Yoga gives you an opportunity to breathe more effectively. There are certain pranayama techniques that help in reducing stress such a Brahmari, Nadi Shodhana, and Ujjayi breathe. Left nostril breath can have an internalizing and calming effect too.
Release emotional energy
Negative emotions such as fear, anger, and guilt can lead to stress if they are not expressed. Emotional pressure often gets released in an unrefined way. With yoga, you can learn to release emotional energy effectively. Asanas that release the hips and shoulders are quite effective.
Thus, it is a good way to modify your lifestyle with help of yoga. You can dedicate few minutes to yoga in the morning or evening to keep the stress away and gain optimum health benefits.