How to stay safe from Coronavirus with yoga and other home activities

man doing yoga

“Prevention is better than a cure.” It suits well the current situation of turmoil. As of now, there is no vaccine for COVID-19. Thousands of people have lost their lives, and more than ten million people are affected worldwide. All we can do is keep ourselves safe by following the appropriate preventive measures. Before we discuss the precautions, let’s understand it. Continue reading “How to stay safe from Coronavirus with yoga and other home activities”

Kunjal Kriya Or Vamana Dhauti: Procedure And Benefits

Cleansing tecniques

Kunjal Kriya is a part of “Shatkarma”, one of the cleansing techniques in yoga. As we take baths every day to clean our bodies externally, in the same way, it needs internal cleaning as well. This kriya purifies our digestive tract, lungs, liver, intestine, and food pipe. It’s a blessing in case of cough, cold, congestion, and acidity.
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