Teaching yoga is becoming more and more fashionable; In just 5 years, the number of students in yoga training has not stopped growing. We can say that
there is a real madness for this discipline that advocates well-being and self-control.
Although many choose to go abroad for training (especially with a yoga course in India), it is not a prerequisite for teaching. There are a large number of courses available in Spain, sometimes at a distance, so that everyone can find the ones that suit them best.We give you some tips to find the yoga teacher training adapted to your needs and the yoga instruction that suits you best.
Discover with us everything there is to know about becoming a yoga teacher!
Why be a yoga teacher?
The practice of yoga is not exclusive to the experienced yogi: pregnant women, children or the elderly can also do it! It is even relatively difficult to describe in a few words the role that a yoga teacher plays in learning his yogis:
• He is a spiritual guide,
• He is a physical and postural guide,
• He is an emotional guide,
• It is a reference for the path of the self and the achievement of full consciousness.
• The teaching yoga can intervene at different levels, not only in the practice itself:
• Knowledge of Asanas, Bandhas, Mudra and Pranayama,
• Mastery of breathing, emotions, or stress.
For this, you must know the human anatomy, know which muscles work and which allow relaxation or inner meditation. Therefore, a yoga teacher must have certain essential qualities, which will also help him in his training:
• Patience with yourself and with others.
• Perseverance, never to give up,
• The sense of listening to the heart, the body, the spirit,
• Serenity, since yoga is based on gentle techniques,
• A lot of pedagogy, for a tailored education.
On the other hand, to teach good yoga postures and make the asanas perform correctly, a yoga teacher must have theoretical and practical knowledge. This is why training is often necessary before becoming a full-time teacher. A yoga class is not just a sequence of positions; it is all a logic that must be instilled in the students.
• You can have several objectives when taking yoga teacher training:
• Deepen your spiritual and philosophical training,
• Daily practice traditional yoga,
• Teach beginner and advanced yogis,
• Open your own yoga school.
Long Training to Teach Yoga
Choosing your training is sometimes a challenge: there are so many formulas, between intensive courses, specific training, and diploma training, that you can get lost right away.
Unlike the training required to be an official teacher, who must get a place after doing some competitions, the yoga teacher must follow an adapted independent training. Yoga teacher training is essential to learning how to convey all the benefits of yoga, both mental and physical.
On the one hand, there is the possibility of doing long yoga formations. They have a duration of at least 200 hours, which usually takes four academic years. In addition, most of the time, a final memory or dissertation must be presented. Until all the training is completed and the final work is presented, no diploma is obtained.
Short and Progressive Yoga Training
Yoga instructor or instructor: This training lasts from one to two years (in most schools, between 200 and 300 teaching hours). It is ideal if you want to start in the most important yoga postures and know the bases of yoga philosophy, as well as the methodology and pedagogy to teach classes. It is also a good option if you study with a goal of personal growth.
Yoga teacher: in case you want to continue your studies, once you have finished the instructor or instructor training, you can continue with this course (from 100 to 200 teaching hours) with which you can delve into the topics you have already studied and meet new ones. And, most importantly, you can continue practicing to improve your technique and transmit it with more confidence and confidence in yourself.
Master in yoga and specialization courses: if you want to improve yourself further, you can continue studying with these courses. There are many types, from highly structured training that delves into the different disciplines of yoga (100 hours or more), to monographs of 20, 30 or 40 hours that deal with topics such as prenatal yoga, yoga for children, yoga for the third age, yoga Nidra, therapeutic yoga, meditation techniques, etc.
You should also know that yoga requires training throughout your life. Like any job, the world of yoga is changing and so are expectations. You have to know how to renew and update yourself, especially since the students are generally very demanding, especially in a yoga class at home.