Mudra is a Sanskrit word which refers to a symbolic hand gesture that innate power and produces joy and peace to the mind and soul of the one practicing it. Practicing mudras
on a daily basis helps to better one’s overall health and will make you calm.
Our hands holds a self-healing power which has been used for centuries for treating various illness. Our hands refer interpret our karma and or fingers interpret our power points. Our fingers binds a link between universal cosmic energy and pranic forces.
Mudras have been used since ancient times and there are about 399 mudras. They are a part of Hindu and Buddhist ritual and are largely used in dance, yoga and meditation.
Mudras help in connecting our brain to the body. There are various types of hand mudras and each one them has the ability to influence our emotional, physical and spiritual body. Practicing hand mudras helps in keeping our mind and body positive and calm, soothe pain, increase vitality, boost pleasure and provides a feeling of well-being.There are a lot a lot of benefits that these hand mudras provide us with, some of them are:
Gyan mudra refers to the gesture of knowledge and wisdom. Performing this mudra includes lightly joining the thumb and the tip of index finger, stretching other three fingers out. This mudra has been used for thousands of years by yogis and their followers. Performing this mudra provides peace to one’s mind, calm to the body and positive progress to the soul. Gyan mudra is very efficient as it helps in reducing sleep disorders, releasing stress and
anger, increasing concentration and memory, getting rid of depression and headaches. It can be practiced at any time while you are performing yoga, feeling stressed or angry, or meditating.
Read Also: Yoga Mudras for High Blood Pressure
Prana mudra refers to the gesture of life. Performing this mudra includes joining the thumb to the tip of ring finger and little finger lightly and keeping the other two fingers stretched out. This mudra helps you to boost up your energy, it cleanses your aura and provides a positive vibe coming out of you. Whenever you feel tired and stressed, you can practice this mudra
and it will make your mind feel relaxed. Prana mudra is beneficial for all types of illness and is believed to transmit special power to the eyes.
Prithvi mudra refers to the gesture of the earth. Performing this mudra includes the thumb firmly joining the tip of ring finger, while the other three are stretched out. Lotus pose is one of the most practised pose with this mudra. Practicing Prithvi mudra for 30-45 minutes every day is very beneficial as it helps in increasing the focus, improves digestive system, removes deficiency of vitamins, reduce stress and weakness and in weight gain.
Varun mudra refers to the gesture of water. The biggest element of human body is water, and varun mudra works for the same. It helps in preventing all the diseases which arises due to lack of water or dryness. Performing this mudra includes joining of the thumb to the tip of little finger. This mudra should be practised in a sitting pose or lying down.
Surya mudra refers to the gesture of fire. It is a very powerful mudra and helps in maintaining body temperature and keeps metabolism strong. To perform this mudra, fold the ring finger and join its tip to the bottom of the thumb while the thumb presses the middle bone of ring finger.
Try all the above hand mudra to get a taste of better and peaceful life.