Yoga Mudras for High Blood Pressure

Hypertension, or high blood pressure, is a serious health concern that affects millions of people worldwide. With so much to do every day, we get excessively stressed out, and that results in an increase of adrenaline in the bloodstream that raises the pressure. Hypertension leads to several connecting disorders, which can give you a hard time to go on with your day. While there are medicines for blood pressure but they are not good for the long run and it is not a good habit to take too many pills. With the help of a few Yoga mudras, you can control your high blood pressure.

The human heart goes about as a pump because it supplies oxygen-rich blood to different body organs through the veins and pumps the oxygen-poor blood back to the lungs to get energized with new oxygen. The blood pressure is the power applied by the blood when it flows against the walls of the veins. Any kind of blockage in the veins cholesterol stores, blood clumps, narrowing of the veins because of solidifying would urge the blood to apply more weight while it flows. This is what leads to the problem of hypertension. Whenever left untreated, this problem would bring about weakened heart muscles and further some of the critical heart problems.

The best mudras to control high blood pressure:

Yoga is a pure and true way to cure the inner problems in your body. You don’t have to work too hard to get it right; follow instructions and keep breathing when you practice  mudras. Just 20 minutes in a day with yoga, and you will have no problem of hypertension throughout your life!


1. Aakash Mudra

Out of all the mudras for high bp, this is an easy one and quick too. Join the tip of your middle finger to the tip of the thumb and hold it while exhaling and inhaling for a few minutes. It is very helpful in getting rid of hypertension and all kinds of negative emotions. It is believed that a person who practices Aakash Mudra finds it easier to connect with the collective consciousness of God. This results in helping a person think noble thoughts even in the difficult situations of life.

Aakash Mudra

2. Vaayan Mudra

Join the tip of your middle finger and index finger to the tip of your thumb finger for the Vaayan Mudra. This helps in reducing blood pressure in the best way possible! Also known as Vatta Katak Mudra, this mudra is helpful in increasing the Vatta humour of the body thereby increasing the never force and vital power of the body.

Vaayan Mudra

3. Apanvayu Mudra

While inhaling and exhaling, place the tip of your pointing finger at the bottom of your thumb. Now join the tips of your middle finger along with the ring finger with the tip of the thumb to form this mudra. This mudra is also very commonly referred to as the mudra of the heart. Not just hypertension but this mudra is also helpful in breathing difficulties, angina pectoris, heart attack, heart failure, etc. Everyday practice of this mudra is extremely helpful in getting rid of all kinds of heart blockages that help in regulating the blood pressure. In addition to this helps in oxygenating the blood while repairing any damage that might be done to the heart muscles for better health of the heart.

Apanvayu Mudra

4. Pran Mudra

Bring together the tip of the little finger, ring finger and your thumb in order to perform this mudra. This mudra helps in awakening the power of prana immensely. Additionally, it also helps in getting rid of eye diseases, improving the eye sight, increasing the resistance of the body, removing any feelings of tiredness and reducing the hunger pangs. A person who practices this mudra regularly sleeps well.

Pran Mudra

5. Surya Mudra

This mudra is one by letting the tip of the ring finger touch the base of thumb while exerting very little pressure on your ring finger. There is a significant improvement seen in the problem of hypertension with this mudra. It also helps immensely in increasing the body heat, it is extremely useful for people who have overweight problems and digestion problems. It also helps in reducing the cholesterol. The only precaution that must be taken while performing this asana is that people who are weak should not practice it when it is hot.

6. Chinmaya Mudra

To do this mudra, place the thumb and your forefinger to form a ring while the rest of the fingers should be curled in the palm of your hand. This mudra is popular for improving the physical and mental health. The problem of hypertension is reduced significantly with this mudra. It also helps in stimulating the digestion process and stimulating digestion.


It takes just about 3 to 5 minutes for every mudra, and you will have a lifelong problem solved. They are easy, quick, and an excellent way to keep many diseases at bay. Practice them regularly to achieve a greater stability of all the four elements in yourself and achieve fitness at a physical, mental and spiritual level.

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