Kunjal Kriya is a part of “Shatkarma”, one of the cleansing techniques in yoga. As we take baths every day to clean our bodies externally, in the same way, it needs internal cleaning as well. This kriya purifies our digestive tract, lungs, liver, intestine, and food pipe. It’s a blessing in case of cough, cold, congestion, and acidity.
Benefits of Kunjal Kriya
Kunjal Kriya (Vamana Dhauti) is a significant digestive purifying process through vomiting. Let’s know its benefits.
1. It is a great relief in cough and excessive mucus.
2. It cleans your chest and helps in better breathing.
3. This kriya improves digestion and helps in case of acidity.
4. During this procedure, your stomach muscles contract, so it helps in losing belly fat.
5. This exercise helps in diminishing stress and depression.
6. The salt helps in preserving the essential nutrients.
7. Kunjal Kriya circulates the blood flow in your abdominal organs.
8. With this cleansing technique of yoga, your whole body feels rejuvenated and active.
9. Gas or acidity can cause pressure of the heart. Kunjal kriya can help in lessening heart
10. The regular practice of Kunjal Kriya decreases the chances of kidney stones and stomach
Kunjal Kriya Procedure
If you are a novice, please practice it in the supervision of your mentor. There are certain precautions that you should take care of while practicing it. Now, we require only two things:
1. Six to eight glasses of lukewarm water.
2. One teaspoon of rock salt per liter (If not available, use regular salt).
Mix the rock salt in the water as per the above-mentioned ratio. Sit in a Kagasana position (crow pose) and drink the water as quickly as you can until a gag reflex. When more intake is intolerant, you will upchuck. Stand and bend forward to vomit. If water is not coming out, use two fingers to rub your tongue as deep as possible. It assists you to vomit more. Once your stomach is light, lie down in Savasana and relax for 30 minutes. Still, if some water has left in your stomach, it will be out through urine or sweat. During the process, you may experience tears rolling out of your eyes or water coming out of your nose. Don’t panic, it’s normal.
Kunjal Kriya Dos and Don’ts
Kunjal Kriya is an instantaneous procedure. Do consider the following precautions if you are thinking of practicing it.
1. This Kriya has to be done first thing in the morning empty stomach.
2. Water shouldn’t be too cold or too hot.
3. Don’t drink water while standing.
4. Do this procedure for 3-5 minutes only. Don’t be harsh on yourself.
5. Eat your food only after two hours. Avoid eating junk food.
6. Don’t take coffee or tea immediately.
7. Take a bath before the procedure or after two hours.
8. You can practice it once a week or twice a month.
Who cannot perform Kunjal Kriya?
Kunjal Kriya is strictly prohibited in a few cases.
1. Pregnant ladies should not do this exercise. It might cause miscarriage.
2. People who have gone through any recent abdominal surgery.
3. If you had a heart attack in the past or had stunts.
4. Not recommended for kids below 16 years.
5. If you have any medical condition or you are too weak.
6. Females should avoid it during mensuration.