“Prevention is better than a cure.” It suits well the current situation of turmoil. As of now, there is no vaccine for COVID-19. Thousands of people have lost their lives, and more than ten million people are affected worldwide. All we can do is keep ourselves safe by following the appropriate preventive measures. Before we discuss the precautions, let’s understand it.
This virus attacks your respiratory system and causes cough, cold, and fever. It can survive for days in your respiratory tract without any symptoms and takes 5-14 days to be noticed. It spreads quickly when an infected person gets in contact with others and makes a chain.
Our Immunity helps us in fighting diseases. A sound immune system can fight illness for longer. If you are thinking that everything has locked down, what you can do now? Then the answer is Yoga. It helps you to battle cold and flu. Numerous yoga exercises can improve the respiratory system and overall health. Let’s discuss how?
1. Pranayama:
These are exceptional breathing techniques and an abundance of goodness for your health. Many ailments can be controlled and cured by just doing pranayama. If you practice it every day:
- It vitalizes the capacity of the lungs and regulates the smooth blood circulation.
- Pranayama controls your heart rate and improves the autonomic nervous system.
- It cleans your respiratory tracts and enhances the flow of oxygen to the lungs and skin cells.
- Pranayama shows great results in minimizing anxiety, depression, and stress.
- It also works for the sinus patient.
- Breathing stimulates your abdominal muscles and helps in reducing weight and improving digestions.
There are different forms of pranayama that you can practice. All you need to focus on your breathing pattern. Let’s discuss three of them.
A. Nadi Sodhana Pranayama
This is an alternate nostril breathing exercise. Let’s start now. Sit on the ground in a crossed-legged position. Your upper body should be straight with an erected spine. Place your left thumb on the left nostril to block it. Take a deep breath from the right nostril and hold your breath. Now block the right nostril with your ring finger and exhale through the left nostril. Inhale and exhale in the same way. Repeat this exercise for 10-15 times.
B. Kapalbhati Pranayama
Sit straight in a cross-legged position. Place both hands on your knees and inhale deeply. Now exhale the air with force by sucking your stomach in. Initially, do this exercise at a normal pace. You can increase the speed of inhaling and exhaling once you excel in this exercise.
C. Bhramri Pranayam:
This yoga asana creates a buzzing sound. Sit in a cross-legged position. Take a deep breath, gently place your both thumbs on ears to feel the vibration. Your both index fingers above your eyebrows, middle fingers on eyes, and rests two near two nostrils. Don’t press them too tight, just a gentle closure. While exhaling, make a steady and deep sound of “OM.” This sound resembles the buzzing sound of a bee. Repeat it for 10-15 times.
Apart from breathing exercises, do some yoga asanas that positively affect your overall health like:
2. Phalakasana (Plank Pose)
This pose strengthens your arms, shoulders, core, and boosts the overall functioning of your body. To start with, get on your all fours. Wrists under your shoulders and knees under hips. Now stretch your legs backward and try to balance the body weight. Your body has to be aligned straight. There shouldn’t be any hump or dip in your posture. Stay in this position for 20-30 seconds. While returning, bend your knees and relax.
3. Shishuasana (Child Pose)
This pose reduces pain in your neck and shoulder. It helps in treating anxiety and depression. Let’s start. Kneel on a mat, your claves should be straight, hips on heels, hands on the knees, and tops of feet straight touching the ground. Take a breath. While exhaling, bring your upper body forward and bend down. Place your chest on thighs and arms in front of your body. Palms and forehead touching the ground. Stay here for a couple of seconds. Inhale and come back to the starting position.
4. Ustrasana (Camel Pose)
This posture strengthens your spine, shoulder, butts, and thighs. Let’s practice it. Stand on your knees with tops of your feet touching the ground. Place your hands a little above your hips. Keep your fingers facing down toward the ground to support your back. Take a breath, stretch out your shoulders, lift your chest, and bend backward. Once you are stable, exhale. Inhale again and hold your heels with palms and stay in this potion as you feel good. Exhale while coming up.
5. Dhanurasana (Bow Pose)
Lie down on your flat stomach, arms by your body and palms facing the ceiling. Keep your legs straight together and bend your knees. Hold your ankles while inhaling. Lift your chest and legs upward. Look straight and feel like a bow. Take a few breaths. Slowly bring your chest and legs on the ground.
World Health Organization (WHO) has announced a Public Health Emergency Of International Concerns (PHEIC) on January 30th, 2020. Thus, along with yoga, do follow the preventive measures like:
1. Wash your hands or use sanitizer every hour.
2. Avoid public contacts, stay safe at home.
3. Wear a mask while going out.
4. Maintain one-meter distance from others. You never know who is infected.
5. Consult the doctor if you have a cough and cold.
6. Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.
Only our precautions and alertness can keep us safe. Let’s pray for the victims of devastating Coronavirus.