We all are aware of how lethal Coronavirus is. It is spreading quickly and till date, we don’t have any immunization for it.
No one knows when an easygoing hack, cold, and fever can be Coronavirus disease. Every other day, we are encountering some hazardous and irresistible infectious deceases. What should we do to battle these flu and infections? The answer is to improve your immune system. Yoga is the ultimate option to boost your immunity. There are numerous basic yoga practices that keep us solid and healthy. Join our 200 hours Yoga teacher training course to excel in yoga.
This is a breathing exercise.15 minutes of pranayama every day can improve our respiratory system and will clear your lungs. Sit in a comfortable position on the ground. Take a deep breath through the nose into your abdominal. Feels your breath filled in the lungs. Hold it for a few seconds and exhale.
Uttanasana (Forward Bend)
Forward Fold is the ideal gentle inversion to help invulnerability. Sinuses and mucus membranes are our body’s first line of barrier against infections. Stand straight and keep your feet at your hip-distance apart. Roll forward and hold your lower calves. Take 5-10 breaths as you feel comfortable. Then slowly come back in the original position.
Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose):
This yoga asana improves your digestion, lessen the stiffness of the lower back, strengthens your arms, shoulders, and clears the passages of the heart and lungs. Rest on your belly and your chin touching the floor. Keep your arms close and palm touching ground. While breathing in, lift your chest upward while pressing your palms against the floor. Keep your legs straight. Stay in this position for 10-15 seconds. While exhaling, return to the original position. Do it for 5-10 times as good you feel.
Legs Up The Wall (Viparita Karani):
This asana is very simple. It eases stress and lower back pain. It circulates the blood flow towards the chest. This yoga position helps in urinary disorders and strengthens the immune system. Lie down on your back, keep your butt towards the wall. Place your legs on the wall in the upward position and make an L-shape structure with the torso. Keep your hands little aside. Now remain this position for 10-15 minutes. Once you pull down legs from the walls, stay in lying position for a couple of minutes.
Kapalbhati Pranayama:
It is also known as the Skull Shining Breathing technique. This breathing exercise unclogs congestion. It removes the toxins through breathing and cleanses the cranial sinuses. It improves your metabolism and also helps in losing weight. For practicing this pranayama, sit comfortably on the floor, both hands on the knees, spine erected. Close your eyes, take a deep breath in, while exhaling, pull your stomach and navel in back towards your spine with a force. Place one hand on the stomach and feel the muscle contraction. Now, do it 20-30 times as you feel good. Make sure that you do this exercise empty stomach.
These simple yoga asanas boost your immunity and help you to fight the flu and infections. Also, starting taking Tulsi and ginger tea. It’s a remarkable for curing dry cough and for boosting your immune system. If you want to learn yoga or want to be a yoga coach, visit us at https://www.ekamyogashala.com/