Begin your day with yoga asanas, and you will experience the best energy boost that keeps you bouncing right through the day. Yoga is the art of scientific posing to maximise the tone of the muscles and massage the internal organs for better metabolic activity. Here is a look at the ones to kick-start your day.
Downward Dog Pose
Resembling how the dog stretches, this pose is beneficial because it stretches the spine and stretches the hamstrings. Start on all fours and walk your hands front. Raise your buttocks up to the ceiling, so your body remains bent. Keep your legs and body straight. Strengthen the core muscles and lengthen the spine. Push your tailbone up. Hold the pose for ten counts and then come back to the tabletop position on all fours. Repeat this cycle for 5-6 times.
Warrior One Pose
You do this yoga asana in standing position. This signifies power and strength. Stand with your legs 3 feet apart. Turn to the right place your right foot another two paces facing to the right. Turn your left foot in this direction. Stretch your hands upward lengthening your spine. Push your tailbone to the floor. Inhale and strengthen your pelvis. Hold the pose for ten counts and come back to standing position. Repeat for the other side. Repeat the cycle 5-6 times.
Extended Side Angle Pose
Use this pose to develop posture, flexibility, and strength. From standing position, spread the legs, so that right foot is about one foot away from the centre. Bend the right knee and place the right hand on the floor behind the right knee. Your body will bend stretching the left side. Keep your left leg straight and feel the muscles of the left leg stretch. Hold the pose for a count of ten and then come back to standing position. Repeat the pose for the other side. Do this 5-6 times.
The morning exercises are usually accompanied by the Ashtanga Yoga. This is the practice of controlled breathing. It helps you to improve the energy level and reach the meditation state. It combines mental focus, energetic locks, and controlled breathing.