The name Uttanasana, known as the Standing Forward bend Pose, is derived from the Sanskrit words Ut (meaning intense), Tan (meaning stretch), and Asana (meaning posture). The completed asana is such a position that your head is in a lower stratum than your heart. This enables a gush of blood to the head, revamping the blood cells, leaving you with a sense of novelty. This pose is also highly recommended for people who are fighting asthma or mild depression.
Some of the other key health benefits are stated below:
Targets multiple body parts. Bending forward enables individual segments of the legs to stretch fully. Similar effect is experienced by the spinal cord as it helps lengthening the muscles that run along it. Professionals who spend long hours stuck to chairs may benefit from this prolifically. Regular practicing leads to better posture and stronger balance over one’s body.
Stress reliever. All yoga poses are beneficial in reducing stress and Uttanasana is no exception. The standing forward fold bend is a great stress and fatigue reliever. The upside-down hanging like position gives the feeling of tranquility all the while the concentration to be put into maintaining the balance keeps the brain engaged yet relaxed.
Therapeutic effects. Exercising this asana helps cure numerous diseases like asthma, high blood pressure, osteoporosis, infertility, and insomnia. The pose opens up the chest thereby improving the lung capacity, especially in elders, and promotes a healthy neurological system, enabling people with sleep disorders enjoy a sound sleep.
Improves digestion. The asana gives a gentle massage to the abdominal organs, especially the kidneys and liver. Kidney and liver stimulation mean an enhanced functioning of the organs, toning and strengthening of the abdomen muscles, detoxification of the organs, improved blood flow. The digestive organs once activated lead to a greater nutrient absorption abilities and a regular and consistent bowel movement.
Healthy nervous system. Proper functioning of the nervous system means a healthy functioning of the overall body. One of the primary benefits of Uttanasana is that it boosts the nervous functioning that leads to a proper brain functioning, prevents premature aging, good for cardiovascular health, improves memory, relieves body aches, boosts the immune system, enhances the learning capacity.
A blessing for women. Menopause is a tumultuous period for women and Uttanasana helps in relieving it’s symptoms. It elevates the mood, strengthens the bones, prevents premature menopause, reduces hot flashes and night sweat, stables hormones, improves sleep, enhances memory, improves sexual drive, and helps with other physical and mental changes.