Pitta is generally related to heat or fire as it is the derived word from ‘tapa.’ Pitta is the backbone of transformation or metabolism that is related to digestion, temperature regulation, and maintaining emotional balance. Whenever there is an imbalance in the pitta, harmful or abnormal conditions arise causing heartburn and acid reflux. Generally, when the elements of the fire in the pitta are reduced below the normal levels, indigestion is caused. It also reduces the metabolism rate and the perception power. Hence, this heating element needs to be kept at a balanced level in order to regulate its functioning.
It’s Causes
There are many causes of pitta dosha ranging from eating habits to emotional reasons. Foods that have sour or spicy flavour generally trigger pitta. In fact, processed or deep-fried foods are also considered as pitta aggravating elements. In addition, caffeine and alcohol are other ingredients, which aid in pitta dosha. Apart from food, other factors such as being in emotional stress or under-relaxation state can also be a cause of pitta. As pitta effects, the emotional side of a person not being satisfied internally can be one of the reasons.
Tips for Curing Pitta Dosha
Pitta causes discomfort at physical as well as emotional levels, and hence, its cure is imperative. There is nothing better than naturally healing the pitta imbalance. In additional to being effective, it also curbs the possibility of any side effect, which further enhances its power. Here are some of the tips that can come in handy while trying to balance out the pitta dosha:
Include Foods with a bitter and sweet flavour – An easiest and quite powerful way to say bye-bye to pitta dosha is by including foods that in one way pacify the pitta effect. Go for milk, butter, ghee, or fruits that are sweet in taste. Bitter and astringent flavours can also be opted for. Include oil of sesame or almond in the meals, which have a heating effect on the body. Also, include all kinds of leafy vegetables such as cauliflower, broccoli, lettuce, celery, pumpkins and green beans. Avoid tomatoes as they have a sour taste and other vegetables such as hot pepper, carrots, eggplant, and radish. For non-vegetarian lovers, try out chicken and turkey and avoid eggs and seafood. Always another good way to reduce the pitta effect is to go for pacifiers, which have a soothing effect such as fennel, cilantro, and cardamom, which can be had at the end of a meal. Sweeteners are also quite effective but avoid molasses and honey. By just changing the food inclusions, drastic change can be seen in results.
Balanced life – In order to balance the imbalance caused to due pitta dosha, try out the balanced life format with adequate sleep, proper and regular meals, and enjoying recreation. A balanced life triggers a normalizing effect on all parts of the body including the functioning of pitta.
Massage – Massage has umpteen benefits, and it surely counts as an effective tool for getting relief from pitta dosha. Daily activity of massaging oil with coconut oil, which is warm, can be really beneficial. Oil massage is sometimes also referred to as abhyanga and has been deemed quite powerful in the Ayurveda world.
Meditation – Calming the mind and basking in the glory of things that one is gifted with promotes a positive vibration, which, in turn, eases out all kinds of imbalances in the body. Allocate a separate time for meditation and ensure that a serene environment is selected, which aids in focussed attention.
Yoga – Since ages, Yoga has been instrumental in getting relief from all kinds of ailments and sure enough is a good method to ease out pitta imbalance. Yoga is effective when the asanas are done sincerely imbibing that the mudras are identically copied. For, pitta dosha imbalance, the following postures can be tried.
– Posture of a chair also called Utkatasana.
– Stretching like a catcalled Marjariasana.
– Mimicking the child’s posture also called the Shishu asana.
– Bhujangasana or the posture of a cobra.
– Pacschchimottasana or bending in a forward seated posture.
– Ardhanaukasana or the posture of a half boat.
– Setubandhasana or the bridge posture.
– Shavasana.
– VipareetaShalabhasanaor the posture resembling the superman.
In addition to all these asanas, breathing techniques also play a vital role, and if practiced on a regular basis can be really helpful. Try out the deep breathing techniques with the focused attention on breathing in and breathing out and a ten to fifteen-minute exercise could really go a long way in balancing out the body functioning.
Consuming herbs – Herbs of ancient times have these magical properties that help in curing one of the unique ailments and giving them relief in a completely natural way. Every herb has a different effect, and hence, can be used to cure a specific issue. For example, amlapittarivati is ideal for hyperacidity while avipattikarchurna, also sometimes referred to as simple churna, is used for curing digestive ailments. People suffering from acid peptic can try yashtimadhu while those looking for an anti-allergic herb can use nishamlaki. These herbs are pure, and hence, one can expect effective results.
Relaxing your body – Relaxing is again a great tool. Go for soothing aromas such as sandalwood, jasmine, chamomile, and lavender that soothes the body and offers a comforting quotient.
With these tips, one can easily and naturally get relief from pitta dosh. Keeping the body cool is what the key point is, and the remedies use this little secret to work like magic. So, try these and be assured to experience some magical results.