Yoga is gaining prominence in our lives. Though it had its origin and roots in India some thousands of years ago, it has caught wave even in the west and is
adopted by several people a way of lifestyle modification. Many people have also experienced spiritual benefits and depth of yoga. If you are a beginner at yoga, there is so much to explore which can be overwhelming. However, to begin with, you must focus on the basic poses which are also beneficial for your overall health and serves the foundation for deeper practice.
In Yoga, nothing is accidental. Many yoga poses intent to give you a stable base for your body to open up and strengthen and help you build a steady and safe practice for more challenging poses. For creating strength, space, alignment, and freedom in the body, you must know about these Yoga poses:
Downward Dog- Adho Mukha Swanasana
This is one of the most practised asanas in almost all the yoga classes. Thus, it is worth taking the time to know about it. Downward Dog comes with huge benefits which include increasing the strength of your arms, legs, and bones along with opening the hamstrings, shoulders, and upper back. It is ideal pose to prepare the body for challenging asanas, balances, and the backbends.
Downward Dog also helps in learning about our own body such as where the tightness and tension lies and where there is a need to correct imbalances.
Cobra Pose
The Cobra Pose is helpful for moving into deeper backbends and getting correct alignment will open up a wide array of deeper backbends in future. The pose helps in increasing the flexibility of spine, open chest, tone abdomen and open the hip flexors which are all necessary for backbends. When you start, begin with a low cobra to make sure that your spine is lengthening and opening.
Four-limbed Staff Pose- Chaturanga Dandasana
If you want to work towards the arm balances and inversion, the Chaturanga pose is ideal for you! If done correctly, the pose helps in building an incredible amount of strength and stability. The pose helps in increasing the strength of legs, abdominal area, and arms along with building healthy shoulders and core stability. It is one of the best preparation for balancing the arms and hands. Make sure that your arms are at 90-degree and press your elbows into your body.
Child Pose- Balasana
This is the best pose if you are looking for relaxation and rejuvenation. The pose is meant for relaxing the tension in the hips, shoulders, chest, back and helps in lengthening and stretching of your spine. It is a great pose if the downward dog is not possible for you or if you are feeling overwhelmed or stressed out as it is believed to be a calming pose which helps in alleviating stress and anxiety.
There are many variations to the child pose. But the aim of the asana is to relax. Thus, find a position that helps in making you feel completely relaxed.
Corpse pose- Savasana
Savasana is one of the beneficial asanas you will ever experience. You must master the pose as it is during Savasana all the benefits that different yoga poses offer integrates to your mind, body, and nervous system. The pose not only helps in deeply relaxing your body and the central nervous system but also helps in slowing down the brain waves. It brings a deep sense of calm. Relax your body on the mat and surrender yourself. You will enjoy blissful moment and peace.
Thus, making these 5 yoga poses a part of your daily routine will help in achieving a healthy body and mind for a healthy life.