Did you ever feel, “I do not want to get angry anymore”, but in the other instance some nasty things happen and you get angry again. Sometimes, there are valid reasons for showing annoyance as you want the situation to change. However, in the majority of the cases, anger plows hatred in the society and worst of all hampers our growth. It also causes frustration and hampers our progress.
This raises the most pertinent question; can we control our anger? The answer to this is Yes we can, but if we meditate every day. This century-old science of breathing and mindful technique controls our emotions, and that includes anger. It makes our mind calm, and sudden change in our behavior. Instead of shouting at your servant, “Why you have not cleaned this mess?” your response will suddenly change to “It’s okay, you might be doing other tasks, let’s together clean the mess now?
Medical evidence has shown that meditation decreases the size of our amygdala. It is a part of our brain which regulates our response to anger. It calms our automatic nervous system, which helps to push the stress hormones, cortisol and adrenaline into our body. These hormones when triggered cause stress and tension, reducing our capability to think clearly. But meditation controls the stress hormones, and we feel mental calmness and peace within ourselves. We are also mentally aware of ourselves and feel more compassionate to the feeling of others.
Meditate for 20 minutes and you will yourself feel the difference:
- Sit in a comfortable position.
- Close your eyes.
- Keep your hands over your thighs.
- Take a slow breath and count each breath as you inhale and exhale, from one to ten and then reverse the counting.
If your mind wavers, do not worry, bring your mind back to your breath, and again start counting.
Meditation releases stress, reduce tension, builds concentration and awareness and manage your anger. It helps us to change the impossible situation into possible and retain your emotional balance.
Studies have found that people who doing transcendental meditation, shows 50 % reduction in depressive symptoms.
Meditation opens the closed mental door for you to feel what ‘s going on inside, including that vibrant and powerful emotions- up and down, and sideways. With practice, you will learn to make friend with your emotions and make you always feel happy, calm and satisfied. No doubt, Anger is an unpleasant pain that never seizes from us, but we can release it and reduce its impact with meditation.