Yoga is much more than just twisting, turning and bending your body. In fact, many people start studying about yoga in order to live a more meaningful and a whole life. The eight limbs or the eight fold path of yoga provides extensive ways to manage the physical, mental and spiritual energy of the self. The yoga practitioners think that yogic diet is an extremely important aspect of leading a better life. It is a very basic teaching that comes from the yoga philosophy that lays importance on what is the right way to consume the food. Our eating habits play a major role in preventing and curing diseases, making us mindful, spiritual and emotionally balanced. The yogic practice is incomplete without following a proper yogic diet. It is important to follow the yogic diet plan in order to take maximum benefits from the yoga practice. With the proper intake of healthy food items, the yoga practiced will be enhanced in a substantial way.
Finally, a yoga diet plan implies being careful in your food choices so as to enable you to feel most associated with your yoga practice. Your eating routine ought to give you adequate vitality and supplements; a few professionals likewise pick an eating regimen that coordinates their ethical duty to yogic lessons and regard for all the creatures.
The established yogis through steady perceptions saw how human bodies worked. They proposed that human body comprised of a flame alluded to as Agni by means of which, everything that an individual eats was changed into a better substance called Ojas that could later be utilized for strengthening a human body.
Nonetheless, this could possibly occur if the nourishment was unadulterated. In the event that the food that is consumed is impure, Agni needs to work more diligently to break it. This is the reason of the formation of lesser measures of Ojas required to assemble a solid body, and an extra substance called Amma, which can cause the body hurt.
Ayurveda characterizes Amma as the primary issue for all medical problems as it obstructs the body and hinders the progression of life energy. The yogic diet focuses on eating foods that do not create Amma. If a human being continues barraging the body with the wrong sorts of food items then the Agni inside us also becomes flimsier. A decent yogic diet is fundamental to turn around this cycle as Agni is extraordinarily influenced by the nature of food being eaten. A Yogic diet is focused on keeping the body free from all kinds of toxins.
Ahimsa is a strong principle in yoga philosophy. This principle encourages to not harm animals in any way. Being one of the niyamas, it is a moral code of conduct that governs the outside interaction with the world outside and comes under the very first yoga limb. Yogis do not support eating animals in any way and remain extremely conscious about the overall environment and new age factory farming. There are three major categories in which the yogis divide the food items and they are:
1. Sattvic Foods: The yogic and Ayurveda diet considers Sattvic food items as the most flawless and most agreeable diet plan for a yogi’s body. This classification of nourishment gets its name from the Sanskrit word Sattva, which implies Purity. The organic products, dairy items, nuts, seeds, honey, grains and edible food items that are in their most flawless structure. These sattvic food items advance a calm perspective, sound body, passionate dependability and care, and a more drawn out life. Since the ancient time, Yogic diet have been sattvic in nature. If not taken in estimated amount or whenever cooked with the right frame of mind, Sattvic Foods can progress toward becoming Tamasic.
2. Rajasic Foods: These food items get their name from the manner in which Rajas or the Kings ate during ancient times. Their food menu comprises of food items taste salty, bitter and spicy and are hot or dry. Sweets, fried food items, beverages fall under this category which is never consumed by yogis.
3. Tamasic Foods: All the non vegetarian food items fall under the Tamasic food category. In addition to non vegetarian, if food items are prepared using an excess of chilli and salt, they are known as Tamasic. The heat formed in the human body leading to irrational behaviour is a major result of the consumption of Tamasic food items. It is believed by yogis that Tamasic food items make people impatient, intolerant and quarrelsome.
It must be noted that almost every yogic is different in many ways, so no particular diet is appropriate for everyone. What works for a person, may not work for another The only thing that must be given proper attention is eating Sattvic food items and staying away from Rajasic and Tamasic food items. The Sattvic food items help in increasing the life energy bringing about healthy digestion while providing optimum nutrition. Some of the common Sattvic food items are fresh fruits and vegetables, wholemeal bread, pure fruit juices, seed, milk, butter and cheese, legumes, sprouted seeds, etc. Pick from the food items given below and add them in your yogic diet plan.
– Fresh vegetables: Tomato, Broccoli, Beans, Zucchini.
– Fresh fruits: Apples, Citrus fruits, Berries, Seasonal fruits.
– Leafy vegetables: Kale, Spinach, Salad, Watercress
– Nuts: Walnuts, Almonds
– Whole grains: Barley, Quinoa, Brown Rice
– Healthy Fats: Avocado, Flax seed oil, coconut oil
A very important that must be given importance while following the yogic diet plan is that the person practicing yoga should maintain a strategic distance from any kinds of chemicals and stimulants. Any substance like that of tabocco, alcohol, caffeine and processed food items must be refrained from. This is because these food items have a negative effect on the mind, body and soul and they also hinder the yoga routine.